Clashes of interests and the aggravation of contradictions between economic actors arising from the priorities of resource allocation, the quality of work, solving problems in the allocation of resources accompany all spheres of economic activity being a natural phenomenon. Business conflict management is relevant for almost every economic process,
[...] Load More which marks the importance of finding an optimal solution to emerging conflict situations in the process of resource allocation. The purpose of this study is to develop a methodological approach to finding the optimal solution to the conflict of interests of beneficiaries in the process of dividing an inheritance in conditions of partial informedness about their preferences. The system of probability rules allowed elaborating a mathematical interpretation of the formalized probability of occurrence of events of division of inheritance as a discrete good, taking into account the various behavioral intentions of the recipients of the inheritance. A matrix of binary options for the behavior of heirs has been developed, depending on the usefulness of the good (inheritance), their interaction with other heirs and the probabilistic implementation of the presented outcome. Addition rules allowed substantiating sixteen ways of division and qualitative characteristics of the interpretation of the inheritance of the good with all possible proposals for the heirs and provided there is incomplete information on the preferences of the heirs. Each binary option describes a conflict and non-conflict situation of dividing a discrete good. Using the theory of probability, the content of the priorities and preferences of the heirs, the nature of their interaction depending on these preferences, the probabilistic behavior of the heirs under given conditions, and possible monetary reward or losses were mathematically interpreted. Depending on the presence of a conflict, a mathematical interpretation of possible options for the interaction of heirs is presented to search for a probabilistic mechanism for resolving conflicts of interest by combining preferences. Also the interpretation allows taking into account the effects of the parties to the conflict of heritage in the case of attracting external compensation (to set a compromise price) in order to level the conflict and achieve visible advantages for themselves as a result of the division. The proposed options were developed in the absence of such a cognitive aspect of the beneficiary's behavior as “envy”, which allows using the addition rules of the theory of probability to formalize the probabilistic events of the distribution of benefits with the requirement of additional negotiations between the heirs. The obtained results of the research can be useful for the development of the conceptual foundations of the theory of conflict management.
Keywords: discrete good, beneficiaries, conflict, inheritance, conflict management, interests, preferences, benefit.
Journal title: available for those who has paid.
Region of the journal publication: Europe.
Scientific field: Multidisciplinary.
Indexing of the journal: Scopus Q1.